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Book and Bag
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise" (Dt 6:4-7 NRSV).
  Winter 2022
Bible & Character Building for the Family



 Week 11(Jan 24): Genesis 18-20


 Week 12 (Jan 31): Psalms 1-4


 Week 13 (Feb 7): Matthew 8-11


 Week 14 (Feb 14): Matthew 17-   20

 Week 15 (Feb 28): Genesis 27-31


 Week 16 (Mar 7): 1 John 1-2


 Week 17 (Mar 14): Micah 1-2


 Week 18 (Mar 21): Micah 6-7

 Week 19 (Mar 28): Genesis 41-   44

 Week 20 (Apr 4): Matthew 21-25

Time Travel


 Week 11 (Jan 25): Winston   Churchill: a lesson in leadership

 Week 12 (Feb 1): John the Baptist:

 knowing your mission

 Week 13 (Feb 8): Mother Teresa:   the last will be first

 Week 14 (Feb 15): Socrates: a   seeker of wisdom

 Week 15 (Mar 1): Plutarch: history   as a tool to make you better

 Week 16 (Mar 8): Dietrich   Bonhoeffer: the cost of   discipleship

 Week 17 (Mar 15): Benjamin   Franklin: many gifts in one body

 Week 18 (Mar 22): Thomas   Aquinas: the road of reason leads   to God

 Week 19 (Mar 29): George Fox:   experiencing God

 Week 20 (Apr 5): Amelia Earhart:   born to fly



 Week 11 (Jan 26): The Prophetic   books

 Week 12 (Feb 2): The Writings

 Week 13 (Feb 9): The Gospels

 Week 14 (Feb 16): The Pauline   epistles

 Week 15 (Mar 2): The Johannine   literature

 Week 16 (Mar 9): The Catholic   epistles and the book of Acts

 Week 17 (Mar 16): Apocalyptic   literature   

 Week 18 (Mar 23): The Biblical   canon

 Week 19 (Mar 30): How to use a   

 Week 20 (Apr 6): The Bible as a   multi-faceted gem


Think Tank


 Week 11(Jan 27): Genesis 21-23


 Week 12 (Feb 3): Psalms 5-10


 Week 13 (Feb 10): Matthew 12-16


 Week 14 (Feb 17): Genesis 24-26


 Week 15 (Mar 3): Genesis 32-36


 Week 16 (Mar 10): 1 John 3-5


 Week 17 (Mar 17): Micah 3-5


 Week 18 (Mar 24): Genesis 37-40

 Week 19 (Mar 31): Genesis 45-50


 Week 20 (Apr 7): Matthew 26-28

Q & A

 Week 11 (Jan 28): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 12 (Feb 4): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 13 (Feb 11): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 14 (Feb 18): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 15 (Mar 4): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 16 (Mar 11): Weekly   question & answer 

 Week 17 (Mar 18): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 18 (Mar 25): Weekly   question   & answer

 Week 19 (Apr 1): Weekly   question & answer

 Week 20 (Apr 8): Final Friday    any question under the sun   Bible day

  Winter 2022

Seminary-Level Theological Training 

Hebrew I

 Week 1 (Jan 24): Name of God   and the Alphabet

 Week 2 (Jan 31): Learning to   Write Hebrew

 Week 3 (Feb 7): Masculine Verbs

 Singular and Plural

 Week4 (Feb 14): Feminine    Nouns Singular and Plural

 Week 5 (Feb 28): Suffixed   Pronouns  

 Week 6 (Mar 7): Singular and 

 Plural Adjectives

 Week 7 (Mar 14): The use of   Participles

 Week 8 (Mar 21): The use of   Volitives

 Week 9 (Mar 28): Numbers and   Counting

 Week 10 (Apr 4): Hebrew   Exegesis in Action I

The Pentateuch

 Week 1 (Jan 25): Introduction to   Genesis

 Week 2 (Feb 1): Themes and   Theology of Genesis

 Week 3 (Feb 8): Introduction to   Exodus

 Week 4 (Feb 15): Themes and   Theology of Exodus

 Week 5 (Mar 1): Introduction to   Leviticus

 Week 6 (Mar 8): Themes and   Theology of Leviticus

 Week 7 (Mar 15): Introduction to   Numbers

 Week 8 (Mar 22): Themes and   Theology of Numbers

 Week 9 (Mar 29): Introduction to   Deuteronomy

 Week 10 (Apr 5): Themes and   Theology of Deuteronomy

Hebrew I

 Week 1 (Jan 26): Learning to Read   Hebrew

 Week 2 (Feb 2): Masculine Nouns   Singular and Plural

 Week 3 (Feb 9): The Little Words

 (preps, articles, and conjunctions)

 Week 4 (Feb 16): Feminine Verbs 

 Singular and Plural

 Week 5 (Mar 2): Hebrew Direct   Objects

 Week 6 (Mar 9): Absolute and   Construct State

 Week 7 (Mar 16): The use of   Infinitives

 Week 8 (Mar 23): Sentences   without a verb

 Week 9 (Mar 30): Hebrew Lexicons   in action

 Week 10 (Apr 6): Hebrew Exegesis   in Action II


 Week 1 (Jan 27): Why Biblical


 Week 2 (Feb 3): Pictures of   Exegesis

 Week 3 (Feb 10): Scripture as a   Multifaceted Gem

 Week 4 (Feb 17): The Forest and   the Trees  

 Week 5 (Mar 3): The History of   Bible Interpretation 

 Week 6 (Mar 10): The Biblical 


 Week 7 (Mar 17): Exegetical

 Terminology & Tools 

 Week 8 (Mar 24): Exegesis in 


 Week 9 (Mar 31): Exegesis in 

 Action I

 Week 10 (Apr 7): Exegesis in   Action II


 Week 1 (Jan 28): Weekly   Recitation

 Week 2 (Feb 4): Weekly


 Week 3 (Feb 11): Weekly


 Week 4 (Feb 18): Weekly


 Week 5 (Mar 4): Weekly


 Week 6 (Mar 11): Weekly


 Week 7 (Mar 18): Weekly


 Week 8 (Mar 25): Weekly


 Week 9 (Apr 1): Weekly


 Week 10 (Apr 8): Weekly


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